Initiative Future Association pursues pathways to socio-creative economy –
creating economic, social and ecological value to society -
by advancing a social mission through an ongoing economic activity.
Initiative Future Association
- Register No: 220 918 961
- Dr.rer.soc.oec. Maria-Christina Brunauer,
Executive director
- Hildebrandgasse 28, 1180 Vienna
Austria / Europe
Initiative Future's operative company
LIFE Products Marketing GmbH
- Marketing- and Eventmanagement
Development and production of Yobeliee
- Trade register: FN 233 978k
VAT No: ATU 571 843 08
EORI Code: ATEOS1000015017
- IBAN: AT795300002155012695
- Information according to §5 ECG,
§14 UGB, §24 MedG
- Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce